Wednesday, June 6, 2012

As I Wake Review

Title/Author: As I Wake - By: Elizabeth Scott

Ava is welcomed home from the hospital by a doting mother, lively friends, and a crush finally beginning to show interest. There's only one problem: Ava can't remember any of them - and can't shake the eerie feeling that she's not who they say she is.

Ava struggles to break through her amnesiac haze as she goes through the motions of high-school life, but the memories that surface take place in a very different world, where Ava and familiar-faced friends are under constant scrutiny and no one can be trusted. Ava doesn't know what to make of these visions, or of the boy who is at the center of them all, until he reappears in her life and offers answers . . . but only in exchange for her trust.
My Thoughts:
Okay, this review is very difficult for me to write. Elizabeth Scott is one of my favorite authors, but I seriously don't know what kind of drugs she was on when she wrote this book. I didn't have any idea of what was going on the entire time I was reading and the ending was just plain horrible. Usually I love Scott's writing, but in this book the writing was unstable and the characters were poorly developed. I cannot even begin to explain how unnecessarily confusing the plot was. Scott provides no explaination of anything that is going on and leaves the reader utterly confused.
If she would have gone into more detail and explained the plot line, this book might have potential. As it is, however, I was quite proud of myself that I managed to force myself to finish this book. Sadly, you disappointed me Ms. Scott. I usually love your writing. This book was one hot mess.

Oh, and one more thing. What kind of a boy's name is Morgan? Seriously? You couldn't have picked something a tad bit more...I don't know, MALE?